How the extraordinary regenerative abilities of marine animals could advance human health

Crinoids, (known commonly as feather stars) are part of the echinoderm group that includes sea urchins and starfish. They have shown incredible regrowth potential that could lead to revolutionary advances in human health. This discovery opens up new possibilities for regenerative medicine and tissue engineering, offering hope for patients with degenerative diseases or injuries. Dr … Read more

140 Years: How technology is advancing marine science

From underwater videography to aerial drones, technological advancements in ocean observation have significantly enhanced our understanding of marine ecosystems and the impact of human activities on the marine environment. Scientists from the Marine Biological Association (MBA) are now able to collect data in real-time and monitor marine life in ways that were previously unimaginable. Cutting-edge … Read more

Meet our new Senior Research Fellow: Dr Angela Stevenson

Three Research Fellows have been appointed to lead ground-breaking research at the Marine Biological Association (MBA). The new Fellows bring a wealth of experience and expertise to the MBA and will be instrumental in leading research initiatives to address the most pressing challenges facing our ocean. Dr Angela Stevenson Exploring biodiversity in deep (subtidal to … Read more