140 Years of the

Marine Biological Association

The Marine Biological Association (MBA) is celebrating its incredible 140-year journey. Since its establishment in 1884, the MBA has been at the forefront of marine science research, education, and conservation. With its rich history and dedication to the ocean, the Association has made significant contributions to our understanding of marine life.

140 Years

As we mark this momentous 140 year anniversary, the MBA looks forward to the next chapter in its journey. With the ever increasing importance of marine conservation; the MBA remains dedicated to its core values to be inspiring, visionary and integral in marine biology research. We are excited to continue advancing our knowledge of the ocean and work towards a sustainable future for marine life.

Celebrate with us

Throughout our 140 celebrations; we will be sharing many fascinating facts, themes and topics that represent our distinguished history, present day achievements and exciting future opportunities as we continue our journey as the voice of marine biology.

To find out more, follow us on our social media channels:

“As the Marine Biological Association celebrates its 140 year anniversary, it looks towards the future with a renewed sense of purpose and commitment. Building upon its rich legacy, the Association continues to strive for excellence in marine research, education, and conservation. With the ever-increasing challenges facing our ocean, the work of the association remains as crucial as ever in safeguarding the marine environment for future generations.”

– Professor Willie Wilson, Chief Executive

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