I am responsible for the management of contracts and staff involved in MarLIN (Marine Life Information Network) since 1999. In particular, project manager on short and long-term contracts for Defra, Countryside Council for Wales, Natural England, Scottish Natural Heritage, Crown Estates, and WWF-UK. MBA lead on tenders/contracts 2010-2017.
I developed the MarLIN sensitivity assessment for biotopes (1999-2010). I’m responsible for ongoing development as the Marine Evidence-based Sensitivity Assessment (MarESA) approach. I have written reports and papers on the application of sensitivity assessment and sensitivity mapping in conservation and marine spatial planning, together with reports on environmental impacts, in particular, of wind farms, coasteering, and recreational access to coastal habitats. Working on the use of Rapid Evidence Assessment (REA) in sensitivity assessment. Authored, supervised, and/or edited sensitivity reviews of circa 140 marine benthic species and most (circa 400) of UK habitats (biotopes). Responsible for the design and content management of the MarLIN website, CMS, and database. I was the lead author on the EMODNET biological traits hierarchy. I designed a database of ‘environmental solutions’ and port contacts for the ‘ECO-Information in European Ports’ (ECO-INFO) project, and together with the team, the environmental review questionnaire.